Saturday, February 11, 2006

February Photo Blog-Along

These pictures are for a Photo Blog-Along. There are other entries here, down on the right side.
The theme this month was LOVE. I like these pictures because they show the love my older kids have for their younger siblings. As an adult, my sisters have been my closest friends, because we have a shared history and relationship that spans time and distance. I hope my children have this too when they are adults.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

New Links

You may have noticed my new links on the right side. I've added links to my sister's blogs and the blog of my best friend from childhood, who's just like a sister. I go months without talking to her too. :)

Anyway, if you're reading this blog and your own blog is listed to the right - UPDATE! Now I understand the pain of checking back to a blog to find that it's just like last time. It's like finding out that last week's episode of Desperate Housewives was a repeat, after I've TiVoed it, and put the kids to bed early last night so I could enjoy some trash TV. Not that that's ever happened to me.