Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Clutter Patrol

We are going to attempt to organize and cull the junk from the playroom shelves today. We got these from IKEA, and overall they are a good idea. They keep toys corralled and look better than the random piles of junk we had before. Unfortunately, most (read all) of the baskets have ended up looking like this inside:

In other words, we have no idea what might be in any basket, so when the kids want to play they generally just start dumping baskets of stuff onto the floor, hoping to find that perfect toy that will cure their intense boredom. When we first bought these shelves I had a vision of attaching pretty cards with ribbons to each basket, maybe even with pictures of the intended contents of each one. I don't know if we'll get that far, but at a minimum I intend to throw out all the random pieces of paper and fast food toys, and have some sort of theme for each container.

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