Monday, June 13, 2005

Rough night at the monastery

When Dave came home from his 13 hour day he found that the sink was clogged with spaghetti - Mary Lou was trying to clean out some old leftovers from the refrigerator and put too much in the disposal at once. He filled both sides of the sink up with hot water and tried the plungers to no avail.

As an added bonus, the entire day's worth of dishes was sitting on the counter, unwashed. Somehow in her busy day of sleeping and watching Star Trek, Maddie hadn't found time to load the dishwasher. Now she's off the hook until the sink drains.

I showed up and started to finish up dinner (a fresh batch of spaghetti). After I'd put the garlic bread in the oven, I discovered that we only had a tiny bit of spaghetti, maybe enough for two people. While discussing this, and the clogged sink with Dave I forgot all about the garlic bread, so now it's burned. Dave managed to pick off the two best pieces and make himself a plate - the kids are eating PBJs as I type. I think everyone needs to go to bed early tonight.


When it came time for the kids to go down, we hit another snag. The boys have the sort of bunk beds where you can use the top bunk as a sort of loft and put the bottom one elsewhere in the room, or just have them stacked like traditional bunks(like this). For the last year they've been stacked and I've had the extra pieces in the corner, with the intention of breaking out Sammy's bed and turning the area under Ben's into a fort sort of thing. Today I finally moved Sammy's bed - to the opposite side of the room. At bedtime, he completely freaked out, screaming about monsters and his bed being all wrong. When the smaller headboard and footboard are on his mattress, it will not fit directly under the loft part, so we were only able to roll it under in the L position. So his head was in the usual place, but he was facing the wrong direction. It took twenty minutes of me sitting at the end of his bed before he fell asleep - completely exhausted. I hope he takes to the new arrangement a little more tomorrow.

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