Thursday, June 22, 2006

The turtles have left the building . . .


Thursday morning we got up at 6 am to quickly dress and drive over to the beach. The Sea Turtle people had said that some eggs would be hatching very soon and they would release the baby turtles at 7am to swim into the gulf. Maddie didn't want to get up - this is a picture of her curled up on her vacation bed (the couch). We rushed to the beach, only to find out the babies had hatched at 2am, and got in some sort of turtle frenzy earlier than usual, so they were released at 3am. I guess none of the Sea Turtle Inc. staff were available to change the answering machine message that they told us to call and check before coming. Now we're up extra early, getting ready for Schlitterbahn, except for Maddie who's still snoozing. Posted by Picasa


Collen Gehrig said...

I am glad Maddie is there to continue on the tradition of someone realizing the value of sleep on a vacation, since her Aunt Beenie is getting very little of it these days. 6am????? YEAH RIGHT!!!!

I am sure she can out do my Vegas slumber!!!

Erin said...

Looks like a fun vacation at the beach!