Thursday, November 09, 2006

Back to School night

These are pictures of Sammy and his self portraits on back to school night. The school managed to irritate me that evening, by sending home flyers that stated the school would be open from 6-8 pm. Actually, the only place you could go from 6 to 6:30 was the library, where they were holding the book fair. I had to leave by 6:30 to drive other kids around to various activities, so I ended up fuming in the library for 30 minutes and didn't get to visit the classrooms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Duncan's school.

The music teacher does not want to be at school past 3:30 pm so she has all the musical performances during the middle of the day for her convenience. God forbid she should sacrifice one evening of her precious time so all the parents who work can attend their children's Christmas program!!!