Friday, March 02, 2007

Cats in Hats?

Ellie and Sam decided to have an impromptu Dr. Seuss party in our front yard. Sammy has made the various hats in school over the years, so they hung them on the tree and Sammy did a reading of Hop on Pop.

When they were finished they planted to following sign by the tree. It's little hard to read in the picture, so for posterity, it says, "Discovered by the Guicker Quackers Quacks P.S. Sorry all ready discovered"

Sammy is just starting to get the hang of reading, and Dr. Seuss is his very favorite. Dave has been a long time hater of Dr. Seuss books, but he's willing to listen to Green Eggs and Ham for the 38th time if it furthers the cause of Sammy learning to read.

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